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Preparing for jury trials is like sending a family member off to college.  You spend an extended period of time preparing them, worrying over which is the best direction to point them in, while also providing the tools, wisdom and knowledge you think they’ll need. Ultimately, you step back and leave the outcome to their reasoning and exercise of good judgment. Maybe my role as the parent of a teenager is skewing my perspective, but this seems like a good analogy. Like college, juries are an integral part of the American fabric.

Many of the lawyers in my firm are involved in upcoming jury trials, which are sure to be productive, and not a little unpredictable. My firm earnestly pursues the right to trials by jury for our clients. We firmly believe the Seventh Amendment right to access to jury trials should be inviolate, but unfortunately it is not. Unlike closed-door, forced arbitration, jury trials educate the public, and ensure safer companies, communities and consumers. Jurors employ their core values when judging litigants as their way of ensuring the law reflects their values. This is how the law is intended to perform and evolve.

The Take Justice Back initiative is a great reminder of how well juries have served in their roles as arbiters of justice throughout history.  My firm is humbled and honored to be a part of this history and of the practice of facilitating our clients’ exercise of their Seventh Amendment rights. We are also grateful to our clients for allowing us to be a part of that process.


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